Tuesday, November 25, 2008


I was tagged by Katie to reveal 7 facts about myself, so here they are:

1-I am NOT a morning person
2-I have a major sweet tooth
3-I collect funny names
4-I loooove animals, I have 4 rabbits and a large, wild dog
5-Books are my favorite things to shop for
6-I am tone deaf, cannot carry a tune to save my life
7-I make the best ice cream

So there!

If they are willing and able, I am tagging:
1:Leezy, funny, talented and conference queen extraordinaire
2: Vhrsti, a witty writer and cartoonist with a wicked sense of humor
3:Enigma, author of distinctive watercolor drawings full of sensitivity
4:Honor Bowden, for her beautiful elegant style
5:Alina Chau, for the explosive joy of her work. You can tell she is a dynamo just by looking at her art
6:Froggie for her imagination, colors and sense of humor
7: and Leah Palmer Preiss for her exquisite, insanely detailed and atmospheric creations

Here are the rules:1. Link to your tagger and post the rules2. Post 7 random facts about yourself3. Tag 7 friends at the end of your post and link to them4. Let them know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.


Honor said...

Hey Isabelle, thanks for tagging me and your kind comments! I've already done a similar one to this, which is over here. Cheers, Honor. x

Curious Art said...

Thanks so much, Isabelle! It may take me a while to respond since I'm in the middle of family stuff, but I'm very much honored to be tagged!


i wish i could make any edible ice cream. :D thanks for the tag Isabelle, i'm honored!will try to do it. :)


my tag's done! :D